What is your proudest accomplishment as a leader?
I have owned three businesses prior to Running Mate and worked in corporate America for 20 years. All of this was a dress rehearsal to prepare me for the challenges and wins I have experienced at Running Mate. I don’t come from a tech background, so to be able to build a two channel tech platform is one of my biggest professional accomplishments. This is also a personal accomplishment because I have done all this in front of my kids who have seen the wins and losses, which has shown them that things worth having take work and commitment.

What is the one piece of advice you’d give to other aspiring women leaders?
Find your purpose and chase it. This may mean it’s not like anyone else’s path but we all have a purpose and the talent and skills to fulfill it. Your life experiences, both good and bad, help shape your purpose.

What inspires you most about your work or your industry?
As a long distance runner, I enjoy all things that relate to health and wellness and I appreciate how important exercise is to our mental health. The work I do is inspired by my own experiences of being assaulted two different times while running. I wake up each day and focus on how Running Mate can keep people safe while doing what they love.

In one word, how would you describe the legacy you want to leave as a leader?

Share a favorite quote that motivates you.
You can’t make a difference without being different.