What is your proudest accomplishment as a leader?
At 5 wanted to be a doctor, 12 a surgeon; refugee from Uganda at age 17, no money, no family, bounced from Africa-India-England, USA; discrimination in USA, bounced everywhere, finally became a surgeon, joined USAF, war zones: Desert Storm; Bosnia, Iraq, delegation member to Moscow, St Petersburg, Prague, Budapest-met Indian soldiers in Bosnia, manning assist many places….couldn’t get a better life’s experience than mine.

What is the one piece of advice you’d give to other aspiring women leaders?
NO matter what the obstacles are, you will always overcome it if you are willing to work hard and sacrifice.

What inspires you most about your work or your industry?
Serving the soldiers who sacrife and give us the freedom we enjoy. Serving the people and the country that gives us so much and able to help many people and do not have to worry about my survival.

Who is a woman from history (or your own life) who has inspired you, and why?
Its the worlld around me that inspired me. At 5 a frog in the garden was bledding, I am crying and my mother says I have to be a doctore to help. At 12 there was a frog with a broken leg and I am crying and mother says I got to be a doctore to help heal, and now I want to be surgeon.

In one word, how would you describe the legacy you want to leave as a leader?

Share a favorite quote that motivates you.
If you light a lamp for someone else, it will also brighten your path.