Celebrating Leader : Wacinque Amistad Kaizen BeMende

What inspired you to pursue entrepreneurship or leadership in your field?
I studied Banking and Finance then became a Personal Finance/Debt Management instructor for a community college and a volunteer for numerous community organizations. Over time, my experiences with community members led me to conclude there may be a better way to teach and inspire African Americans and other minorities, even when it is the same subject. I failed to get those existing organizations and institutions to adopt my innovations. I encountered the classic Einstein definition of insanity, where organizations keep using the same old playbook even when results are not benefiting African Americans and other minorities. I realized I needed to become entrepreneurial and create a company to make an impact. KaizenRhino Solutions International designs products that significantly affect African Americans and other minorities. However, anyone can adopt and use our products; our innovative MVP is GPIA-DIV, which recently received USPTO registration for international class 36 financial products and services. Our second product is Financial Infinity Days 6 & 7 Feb, a combination of Compound Interest Day 6 Feb and eMath Constant Day 2.71828 Feb 7th 18th hour 28th second our immediate goal is for UNESCO to declare FID an International Special Day like Pi Day 3.14. Our pitch is Pi Day helps your waist grow while FID helps assets in your wallet grow, which is more fun. Third is our Applied Compound Interest model, which monitors your debt level while you increase your assets owned and display with a Tower!
What challenges have you faced as a leader or entrepreneur, and how have you overcome them?
In the Hamilton Play the major question was who will tell your story. My greatest challenge as an innovative entrepreneur with an innovative solution model is Who will hear my solution story. I’m addressing a multigeneration challenge that still exists 60 plus years after the War on Poverty and in spite of the fact my evidence based innovative model GPIA-DIV® USPTO registered that makes the most progress closing the Wealth Gap at less cost, I’m an unknown. Time Magazine just published the top 25 Closers List of a national coalition of individuals dedicated to closing the racial wealth gap through entrepreneurship and ownership. One said this about the progress: A recent Federal Reserve report found that the median wealth of white households was about six times that of Black families in the U.S. in 2022. While the specific numbers have varied over the years, there is no denying that the racial wealth gap is vast and persistent. “Oftentimes the frame is, ‘Oh, we’re not where we want to be, but we’re getting there,’” Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, vice president of racial economic equity, research, and workforce development at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, told TIME. “And for 20 years I have been trying to highlight, ‘No, we aren’t.’” How come Time nor he knows about me and my model? I have not overcome my unknown status, yet I believe TIE Tampa will help bring about a change while increasing my profile and brand starting Black History Month 2025.
What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs and leaders?
Prepare your foundation with the most knowledge and understanding about your industry and specific lane, seeking mentoring and support where needed. Know about organizations like TIE Tampa Bay or TIE Global or events like TIEcon Florida that may be next door and not on your radar. Stay industry current and aware of any possible innovations that may impact your products and services, especially in this budding age of AI LLMs. Be courageous and flexible, and be ready to change and adapt.
Can you share a significant milestone or achievement that shaped your journey?
May I share a number of them? My journey to become an entrepreneur begins in 1969 when my math teacher taught us how to calculate compound interest. I fell in love with the math of the stock market…I was hooked. My company secured technical assistance from Los Alamos National Lab through the NMSBA program https://www.nmsbaprogram.org/ where scientists and economists studies then created an econometric model using my design that demonstrated the potential impact if widely adopted. We completed a project with U of Michigan Ross School of Business students that demonstrated how my model would perform using the historical Freedman’s Bank accounts of 1864-1874. I was named financial educator of year by Wisconsin Governor OCI Press Release, March 21, 2019 – Gov. Evers Honors 13 Recipients of 2018 Financial Literacy Award in Capitol Ceremony My company was exclusively selected (only two per state) to participate in the US State Department Global Entrepreneurship Summit Global Entrepreneurship Summits – United States Department of State My MVP product GPIA-DIV® received USPTO registration for class 36 international financial services. I was inducted in SIFMA Hall of Fame for teaching the Stock Market Game to youth 8-18 SIFMA – sifma.org – Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association – Invested in America – SIFMA The Stock Market Game My company and story was featured in CEO Weekly Wacinque A.K. BeMende Redefines Financial Inclusion to Empower Generations – CEO Weekly I claim the next achievement is working with TIE Global to build a global brand!
How do you give back to the community or support the next generation of entrepreneurs?
Being approachable and active in as many organizations as possible especially those with a startup mission so I can stay in an environment with next generation entrepreneurs. I’m a military veteran entrepreneur so I stay active with programs like HCC Strive Tampa which is focused on military spouses and other family member potential entrepreneurs. Posting valuable and useful information through my social medial platforms. Sharing as widely as possible efforts like the Black History Month initiative of TIE Tampa as highly informed individuals and organizations will not be aware of every activity happening in their city without the persistent effort of everyone sharing openly. Last telling my story as widely as possible through as many platforms and news outlets as possible building up as large a following as possible. Persistence is every entrepreneur steroid and let no one say you are abusing your supply. Be a shameless self-promoter if need be!