What is your proudest accomplishment as a leader? 

Seeing small businesses flourish and supported by the community; seeing my students successful in their careers and doing what they love.

What is the one piece of advice you’d give to other aspiring women leaders?

Lean in; surround yourself with positive, supportive, and intelligent people; follow through, bring others up with you; give back; pay it forward.

What inspires you most about your work or your industry?

Supporting and educating the next generation of leaders.

Who is a woman from history (or your own life) who has inspired you, and why?

My mother, who had only a 9th-grade education and grew up in poverty, instilled in us resilience, common sense, grit, kindness, generosity without expectation, the importance of never underestimating others, and sacrificial love. She firmly believed that her daughters must be educated and financially independent. She has always inspired us to reach the highest levels in our education and careers and has been our friend and sounding board throughout our lives.

A close second is my piano teacher, a highly educated woman who brought out the best in her students. She taught us commitment, dedication, and discipline, shaping us into the best versions of ourselves. She encouraged us to embrace and develop our God-given talents, striving for our personal best in all aspects of life.

In one word, how would you describe the legacy you want to leave as a leader?


Share a favorite quote that motivates you.

Change what you can control, accept what you cannot, and move forward.