What is the one piece of advice you’d give to other aspiring women leaders?

What inspires you most about your work or your industry?

Who is a woman from history (or your own life) who has inspired you, and why?

I am inspired by every woman who bravely takes up space, speaks up for others, and lifts women up along their journey. I’ve met countless women- starting with my own grandmother- who embody these traits. We are better together, and it truly takes a village to build our best future.  I’m thankful for family who modeled being brave & strong, for teachers and professors who spent extra time investing in my young mind, and every boss who paved the way for me to take big career leaps.  I admire women who have fought in my community for social justice, food equity, and uncensored learning for all students.  I am thankful for my colleagues who bravely run businesses and fight against stereotypes daily. And I’m deeply inspired by my friends of Color who have consistently shown grace and strength in the midst of consistent microaggressions, unfair assumptions, and blatant racism.  Women everywhere are inspiring a better future, and the more I look around, the more I see them at every turn!