What is your proudest accomplishment as a leader?
I have created a safe space for clients and loan originators to be themselves. I started my business from the ground up and have been in business for 9 years.

What is the one piece of advice you’d give to other aspiring women leaders?
If you think you can do it, do it. Go for it. Take that chance. You will not regret it. But you will regret NOT doing it.

What inspires you most about your work or your industry?
Helping clients get into the home of their dreams

Who is a woman from history (or your own life) who has inspired you, and why?
My mother. She was an entrepreneur and started her own business and was very successful.

In one word, how would you describe the legacy you want to leave as a leader?

Share a favorite quote that motivates you.
Maya Angelou – “Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.”